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Boom Boom Pow!!!

When you’re looking for a DJ a question that should be asked a lot more than it is the following “what type of system do you have and how many watts?”. The thing that most people look for is price which is fine, but do you really want your DJ showing up with a system that is equivalent to a Ghetto Blaster?

A general rule of thumb (and I use this loosely as many different factors can debunk this rule such as smaller/larger rooms, being outdoors, if the venue is contained, and general acoustics within the room) is you’ll need 1 Watt per person. Without getting into the science, angles etc, it is a good general rule. If you’re having a wedding reception with 150 guests a system that can pump out 150 Watts (75 watts per channel) should have you covered. Although with speakers, amps etc more is always better. Most DJ’s use a 2 speaker set up with varying amps which is fine and appropriate for certain events. But to get rich, and better sound you’re better off using a 4 speaker set up or more. If you’re afraid of having bass bins at your reception because you don’t want to shake Grandma Jones’ dentures out – have no fear, although it can be done I you want! Ha ha! Bass bins actually allow for better sound quality and you are able to actually turn the volume down as you are getting the right type of sound. If you have a traditional two speaker set up with 150+ guests, often it is necessary to crank the volume and give the audience everything you got! What you end up with is loud music (which isn’t necessarily a good thing) and the high range gives you the “tiss, tiss, tiss” sound that kills your eardrums. When you add bass bins to the mix, you can turn down the volume as your Watt per person is still being achieved, yet the sound is better, carries more, and you don’t leave the reception/party like you just left a high powered concert. We like using a 4 speaker set up regardless of the venue or amount of people (unless we’re talking over 300 people, then we’ll use more speakers, and amps) just so we can reach that sweet spot on sound quality. Less volume is more with the right set up and it gives you that boom boom pow at your event.

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