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Make an Entrance!!!

Probably one of the most overlooked segments of the night however one that I feel carries great importance is the selection of your entrance song. True you can follow standard code and go with something mellow and romantic, but why follow tradition?!?! Go with a high energy, high impact song that is upbeat and gets the crowd going! Your entrance song will set the mood for the night. You want a party? This is the best and easiest way to do it! So how do you select your entrance song – well that’s up to you. It is your wedding reception and it’s imperative that it has “your touch” all over it. Grab your iPod, go to your top 10 most played songs and find a song that you identify with and a vast majority of your crowd. If for example a bulk of “your girls” are going to be there and you all have a party song that you love that represents all those times that you went out and had a great time – that could be your song. Whether it’s Rock, Hip-Hop, Dance, whatever, if you identify with it and so does a majority of your crowd, you’ve just made the best possible start to your night.

While you’re walking in and your MC is introducing you, don’t just walk in – MAKE AN ENTRANCE!!! Do you have to choreograph everything - well it would be great if you did, but it is not necessary. The best thing you can do is acknowledge your guests as you are walking in, wave at them, wink, celebrate, high five, bow, dance with your spouse, whatever. But what you have done is instead of just walking in; you have made your guests a part of your entrance and your moment. The night is all about you but if you can include some of your guests along the way and highlight how important they are to you in your life, you’ll leave a lasting impression. Here’s to you and hoping you find that one entrance song that will set you apart from every other wedding.

Entrance Song Rule of thumb - the more energy this songs carries, the better…

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