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Keep it real at your wedding reception


Everyone loves a drink and more often than not alcohol flows freely and often during a wedding reception. This may or may not be bad in your opinion. But please consider this, just think of the amount of money you have invested into this one moment, this one day, is it really the time to get completely hammered beyond any point of recognition? Now I’m not saying you should completely abstain (although there may be upside to this as you can watch your friends make jackasses of themselves instead!) but it comes down to this – keep it real! You see what I’m sayin’? Case in point – Groomzilla. Groomzilla was hitting the alcohol hard and early. I wasn’t at the ceremony but was told he was blitzed for the entire thing and was quite entertaining to watch – guest satisfaction - off the charts, bride not so much. As the day continued, so did the alcohol. By the time Groomzilla got through dinner and it was his turn to toast the bride - his speech was completely unrecognizable. I was seriously wondering if the Groom was speaking English – ha ha! So after that we get to the cake cutting. While the bride was looking all pretty and cutting the cake Groomzilla grabs the cake with his hand and jams it into the brides face. Now this is funny in just about any other setting, but at a wedding reception when your soon to be wifey is wearing a WHITE dress and the icing on the cake is dark brown, yowza – that dress just becomes a Tide special. So not only is her dress stained, but her make up is ruined as well. On a normal day my wifey is spending 20 mins or so doing make up and all that fun stuff. On a bride’s wedding day times that by 10. So our poor bride has just enjoyed cake in the face and brown on the gown – perfect way to start the marriage. But oh it gets better. Groomzilla is the King Kong of what to do wrong (I’m digging on the rhyming, shoulda been a rapper). So after all this there’s this major hole in the program while we’re waiting for this poor bride to wash her clothes and redo her make-up. 40 mins later she returns and amazingly is all good with the groom. In the meantime he’s pounding more alcohol and living it up with his buddies up until the first dance. Groomzilla is so tanked that he can’t dance with the bride! But oh it get’s better, when he dances with his Mom it’s down to the drunk sway and after that charming moment, Groomzilla begins to walk off the dance floor and BAM! Face plants on the floor. Finally he gets helped up by a few friends after the laughs, and then they help him to the nearest chair to catch a breather. A few precious moments later and BAM, he falls sideways off the chair! Ha ha. Finally he’s escorted outside to “have a breather” and sober up, however he ends up passing out and sleeping off the alcohol for 4 hours!!! 4!!! So basically he’s off on his own sleeping off the alcohol, while the bride is left to deal with the mess. Nice. Surprisingly the dance was actually ok, and we got the crowd moving but there’s no question the actions of Groomzilla hampered the flow of the party and affected the mood. Pitty the party had so much potential…He did show up for the dance but by this time it was 12:20 am and there was about an hour that he had to light it up. Perfect, I’m sure that’s what the bride had always dreamed of… So while you may want to pound a few brews during your wedding day to celebrate with your bro's, make sure you keep it real!!!

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