Open Mic - wickedly awesome or the worst experience of your life!

Open Mic during your reception can be wickedly awesome or quite frankly the worst experience of your life! And when I say worst, that can go a few ways; either it's so brutally long that it completely kills the mood at your reception OR the person talking is so drunk that literally everything bad that you have ever done in your lifetime comes out. Now this can be supremely entertaining for a few, but wickedly brutal for yourself! Ha ha ha! I had this one experience this summer where the Dad went on and on and on about his daughter and how she used to be fat, never thought she'd get married, then she lost a ton of weight one summer, then how he picked her up at a Rave and she was on mushrooms and her Mom didn't know. Like I was literally peeing my pants laughing and so was most of the crowd but pretty sure the Bride wasn't a fan! Ha ha ha! Hands down that was the best Open Mic all summer!
If you're debating Open Mic you need to do a risk/reward analysis on this proposition and ask yourself - "what's the upside to Open Mic?". That's for you to determine, but when it goes well, it goes really well. And when it's bad, it's catastrophically bad! Ha ha. So I'll leave that one to you...
When you give people a mic - you just never know what they're going to say - as evidenced by this video below - so awesome! Ha ha ha!
Steve Harvey is seriously awesome on Family Feud - love it. Sometimes I fire it up at the gym while I'm riding the bike and have burst out laughing because of something he said - best part is the peeps around me without head phones on think I'm a freak! Ha ha ha!
Anyway, keep those receptions rocking and if you're going to wade into the merky waters of Open Mic - good luck my friend! Ha ha ha!
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