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Dance contest at your wedding reception

There's nothing more I love at a wedding reception than a dance contest. Timing has to be right, mood's gotta be there, but when it is - you got to hit that! I was DJ'ing a wedding reception a few weeks ago and there was an epic dance contest. Contestant number 1 was in his 50's, probably hasn't danced since the disco era and the other was a full on club kid who happened to be on "So You Think You Can Dance Canada" - so pretty even match up! Ha ha! Anyway it's not about who wins or losses, it's all about entertainment and these two dudes put on a SHOW!!! Contestant 1 got his groove on and showed John Travolta how to roll while Contestant 2 was keeping it real and using the moment to jockey the ladies! Ha ha! Who won? Well there are really no losers - it's win/win. As a DJ, if I can engineer these situations I'm all over it as it gives members in attendance the chance to be a part of the night and give everyone something to talk about. It creates/adds to the overall party vibe and that's really what you're trying to do.

Check out this video below - ha ha ha! It's so great! "WHAT IS THIS...HOW IS THIS LEGAL?!?!?!" Bah ha ha! If anyone does the Egyptian Hypnosis move on the dance floor, $20 coming your way - automatic!

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