Dance floor Rihanna is back!!!

Dance Floor Rihanna is back! And I for one cannot be happier about this. Her last album was yeah – she had popular hits on there but c’mon you’re targeting the Junior High crowd with Rated R (her last album). You got to give her a free pass as she just broke up with Chris Brown (and yeah we all know what happened there), but let’s move on! This is her niche, her forte and I’m hoping her new album “Loud” which will drop in Novy will stick with this formula.
So I was just in New Orleans or N’Awlins as the locals call it – anyway total gong show! I was in one of the touristy stores buying stuff and in the stores in N'Awlins, the doors are wide open – almost like Flea Market styles and they’re all equipped with almost DJ’ish sound systems. The store operator was a female, about 55 ish yrs old, East Indian, is at the till and I’m just about to pay for my items and then Rihanna “Only Girl” comes on and here’s the dialogue below:
Her: Vait a minute (walks over to the amplifier and CRANKS IT!!! Ba ha ha!!!)
Me: This song is killer hey?
Her: (as she’s bobbing her head to the music) I just love this song. It makes me so happy
Me: Yeah it’s great
Her: You know… so many songs are depressing and don’t make you feel good, but this song…it makes me happy every time I hear it
Ha ha ha! So wicked. Especially since she was older’ish and full on getting into the grove while she was ringing my order through. Ha ha ha.
Here’s to happy tunes and songs that make you feel good! To Rihanna and the store operator “Yo go girl”.
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