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Boom, boom, boom, shake the room!!!

Sub woofers are the key to turning your dance into a mini club! Effects go a long way as well, but really it's all about the sound. I'm talking bass in yo face! Not only are subs the bomb, but they also happen to be a great place for people to put their drinks, since they're dancing and all. But what people forget is bass bins create a low sound vibration which will fill the entire room and sounds great, but they cause objects (ex - wine glasses, beer bottles, glasses) to shake, shake, shake, and magically move. 

I was doing this one event where alcohol was flowing freely, tons of people were there and the bass bins doing what their thing. Anyway everyone was putting their glasses on the subs and I kept hearing these funny "ching" noises all night. See the picture below to see the carnage that was done by the bass bins - bah ha ha! It's enough to make a glass maker cry!!!


Keep in mind that's just one of the bass bins, the other one had the same amount of damage! Ha ha! Next time you're at a dance and that sub woofer is looking like a great spot to put your drink, think twice - especially if you're paying for the drinks!!!

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