The bet - Clarke MacArthur - the next Ovechkin or Flash in the pan?

I’m in this hockey pool right now and I have this one buddy who picked up Clarke MacArthur who plays for the Maple Leafs. So MacArthur has been on a tear over the first few games of the season, and after my buddy picked him up, I made fun of him for his choice and then we got in a debate as to how good MacArthur really is. I’m calling BS on the whole thing as he’s clearly over achieving and he’s saying he’s the next Ovechkin. Only way to resolve the dispute, put something on the line. I bet that MacArthur will not clear over 50 points this year, while my buddy thinks he will crush that. 50 or under points – I’m good, 51 or over – it’s not good for me.
So what’s on the line? We tried to do money, but that’s just lame, so we came up with something a little more creative… My buddy hates house music – HATES it. Ha ha ha. And right now he’s in this cosmic vortex where he only listens to reggae. Not your Bob Marley stuff either, the hard core Rasta vibes. Like the stuff where the guy on the mic randomly blurts out – WO-man, or Ladies, Ladies, Ladies. We determined that the loser of the bet has to listen to a CD that the other guy makes for him for 1 whole week. Every time he gets in the car the CD has to be fired up, full volume, no wussing out, on repeat, all day everyday for 7 days. Of course he’s planning to give me the most annoying Rasta vibes out there while I’m gunning for nothing but 140 BPM’s that’s as repetitive and annoying as it can possibly be! Ha ha ha, should be great! I think it’s win-win for me though – I win the bet I get to laugh at him all week. I lose, no biggy, I like Reggae anyway! Ha ha ha! Pride’s on the line though so giddy up! Here’s the link for Clarke MacArthur’s stats:
Currently he’s on pace for 65 points – ruh ro! All good though, at the time of the bet he was on pace for 40 goals and 80 points, so at least the curve is flattening out in my direction…
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